Nursing and the Art of Being Human
Who better to learn about life with than those who bring life itself into the world and who also usher it out? Who better to learn about life with than a nurse?

About the Book:
With the lives of patients on the line, the mental, emotional, and spiritual health of caregivers can quickly unravel as they come face to face with death itself. To navigate and traverse this unknown, shadow-laden landscape, nurses must first learn how to hold onto their own dignity and sense of self. Join Tenley and fifty other registered nurses, who’s diverse perspectives span over twenty specialties and range from two months to thirty-seven years of experiential practice, as they navigate the vulnerable process of what it means to live life as holistically healthy human beings in the midst of new challenges and situations.
An excerpt from New…
“Have you ever felt alone? And I mean really alone? I have. Have you ever felt inadequate? And I mean deeply inadequate? I have. Have you had the weight of responsibility thrust so heavily upon you that you thought it might kill you? And I mean actually kill you? I have. And for a very bleak moment in time at the beginning of my nursing career, I thought that I was the only one who felt that way… until I asked for help.”
- Tenley Force RN, BSN, MA

If you are reading New and are not a medical professional, please refer to the glossary for all medical terminology included in the book.
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